
Photoalignment templates for chiral liquid crystal lenses and photonic components

01 January 2021 → 31 December 2024
Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO)
Research disciplines
  • Natural sciences
    • Soft condensed matter
    • Photonics, optoelectronics and optical communications
  • Engineering and technology
    • Nanophotonics
    • Other electrical and electronic engineering not elsewhere classified
liquid crystal diffraction gratings augmented reality ferroelectric liquid crystal
Project description

Recently it has become possible to produce diffractive components with very high efficiency based on inhomogeneous thin liquid crystal layers. The alignment of the liquid crystal is defined by illumination of a photo-sensitive layer with polarized blue or UV light. In this project we want to explore the possibilities of photo-alignment to obtain novel photonic components. We will use optical interference of blue laser light to fabricate device designs that can have small features, below one micrometer. With chiral liquid crystal, we will develop diffractive lenses with high power, high efficiency and good optical quality. Optical waveguides, fabricated in liquid crystal, will be interconnected arbitrarily by switching on voltages on electrodes. We will investigate liquid crystal configurations with two stable states that can be switched with a voltage and can be used in low-power electronic paper or smart windows. Finally we will investigate the alignment of the recently discovered ferro-electric splay nematic phase that can be used in fast switching applications and to generate second harmonic light. The project builds on the expertise of the three partners in material science, liquid crystal technology, elastic and optical simulation in anisotropic media, and optical characterization tools.