Social sciences
- Education curriculum
- Education systems
- General pedagogical and educational sciences
- Specialist studies in education
- Other pedagogical and educational sciences
She wants to improve the cognitive, social and emotional development of young children from disadvantaged backgrounds with a view to breaking the deprivation. The process is started will consist of: • firstly, the exchange of ideas and practices through: o the Transatlantic Forum on Inclusive Early Childhood with scientists, doctors, civil society, businesses and policy-makers from Europe, the United States and Canada . The Forum participants examine policies and projects supporting the earliest life of children from families with a migration background or low incomes; o Forum in Belgium, working around the importance and feasibility of inclusive and transversal measures and practices (from prenatal care to kindergarten) and that policy makers and professionals on the care and education in early childhood in Belgium, before sensitive wants create and inspire; • secondly, support for innovative initiatives relating to future parents and young children from 0 to 6 years around the following themes: o include the inclusion of pupils from immigrant and indigenous disadvantaged in the training of teachers who work with children who have not yet school age; o exchange and accessibility of good practice in kindergartens. This project is working on the professionalization of (future) teachers nursery school / primary education to provide better support to disadvantaged / minority children. The education project of KBS follows two tracks: • Strengthen the primary education: through a call 40 kindergartens in Flanders with good practices gather around the theme; • Strengthening of teacher training by and among peer substantive guidance through action research.