
Live in Ttranslation. The Paradoxes of Spanish-American Multilingual Autobiographical Writing 1980-2015.

01 January 2017 → 31 December 2020
Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO)
Research disciplines
  • Humanities and the arts
    • Language studies
    • Literary studies
    • Theory and methodology of language studies
    • Theory and methodology of linguistics
    • Theory and methodology of literary studies
    • Other languages and literary studies
contemporary latin-american literature Literary studies
Project description

This project wants to investigate the complex relations between literary multilingualism and the construction of identity in contemporary autobiographical texts (1980-2015) written by authors connected to the Southern Cone (Argentina and Chile)and Mexico. By focusing on the stylistic and narratological dimensions of multilingualism in the texts, we want to test the hypothesis that a dominant metanarrative of identity split and struggle has given way to a tendency towards the embrace of productive doubling and playful reinvention of language.