Social sciences
- Education, culture and society
- Orthopedagogics and special education
The overall objective of this project is to improve the mental health of northern Ugandan people with psychological problems, as a result of more and better qualified psychotherapeutic workers and an increased availability of adequate forms of community counselling and psychotherapeutic support. Hereto, the specific objective is to integrate counselling skills in the Bachelor programme on mid-wifery and to develop a curriculum for Bachelor of Community Counselling and Psychotherapy in the Department of Public Health Sciences at Lira University. The Bachelor of Community Counselling and Psychotherapy will gradually be developed according to the next phases: 1) Three Modules on counselling skills will be developed, evaluated and adapted to be integrated into the existing curriculum of the Bachelor of Midwifery; 2) A curriculum for the three year Bachelor of Community Counselling and Psychotherapy will be developed, implemented, evaluated and adapted during a pilot phase; and 3) The structural organisation of the Bachelor of Community Counselling and Psychotherapy over the longer term will be prepared and planned.