
The profile of the Flemish lawyer in 2013

01 September 2012 → 30 June 2013
Federal funding: various
Research disciplines
  • Social sciences
    • Criminology
    • Law
    • Metalaw
    • Applied sociology
legal sociology Flemish Bar advocacy
Project description

The main objective of this research is to collect data that can provide in various aspects of Flemish advocacy. Understanding basic Data is collected on the composition and organization of the Flemish legal profession, the nature of the legal aid by the Flemish legal profession as a whole and on the place of the individual lawyer, and his opinion on the different forms of enterprise and partnerships. In addition to collecting data on the Flemish legal profession in the year 2013 shows the current investigation also to make the results from the baseline of 2006/2007. Few comparisons Moreover, in the present study some new issues raised such as the social status and future prospects of the Flemish lawyer.