Agricultural and food sciences
- Agricultural plant production not elsewhere classified
- Agriculture, land and farm management not elsewhere classified
EURAKNOS will boost compiling of knowledge ready for practice by intensifying interaction between various agrifood or forestry networks thereby maximising outputs for practitioners. The focus of this proposal is on widening existing thematic network outputs in an interactive way, both content-wise and in terms of geographical coverage. Avoiding duplication with the existing networks, cross-fertilisation will be organised between them and among countries, regions and production systems. EURAKNOS will tackle the data management with a view to ensure sustainability of these knowledge networks and maximise their outputs for end-users. To this end, EURAKNOS will stimulate the exchange of existing approaches, methodologies and tools between the different thematic networks (and linked EIP operational groups and H2020 multi-actor projects where relevant) and search for a harmonised approach for setting up future thematic networks in order to maximise the impact on the practitioner, farmer and forester. This project will also explore the end users’needs and possibilities of setting-up a European agricultural knowledge and innovation open source system that may connect all TNs