Medical and health sciences
- Laryngology
- Laryngology
- Speech and language therapy
- Voice
Background: High-quality voice research in the vulnerable population of patients with a voice disorder is highly needed for
effective and efficient treatment of the organic and/or functional voice disorder. Semi-occluded vocal tract exercises (SOVTEs)
are promising innovative therapy techniques.
Objective: To investigate the short-and long-term effects of an SOVT intervention with the use of the flow ball (FB) device
(providing biofeedback) on the objective vocal quality of patients with a organic and/or functional voice disorder and to
compare this approach with the 'treatment as usual' straw phonation (SP) and a sham condition, using a longitudinal
randomized sham-controlled trial.
Methods: Subjects will be randomly assigned into a FB group, an SP group or a control (sham) group. A multidimensional voice
assessment will be performed resulting in an objective vocal quality value (Dysphonia Severity Index).
Hypothesis: Based on the use of biofeedback in the FB group an increase of the objective vocal quality value, the Dysponia
Severity Index, is hypothesized.