
History, time and memory after violent conflict: a metahistorical analysis of the Peruvian transitional justice process (1980-present).

01 October 2015 → 30 September 2019
Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO)
Research disciplines
  • Humanities and the arts
    • Historical theory and methodology
    • History
ethnographic fieldwork Uses of history and memory in post-conflict situations History and ethics Transitional justice strategies in non-western frameworks Indigenous groups and socio-economic exclusion Engaged history Peruvian and Latin American history History
Project description

This project starts out from the insight that a tension exists in Peruvian transitional justice practices between indigenous survivors, the state and NGOs. As a hypothesis I state that this tension is shaped by, among other factors, the collision between transitional justice’s search for closure on the one hand, and the presence of the past felt by survivors of violent conflict on the other hand.