
European Media Platforms: assessing positive and negative externalities for European culture

01 March 2021 → 31 May 2024
European funding: framework programme
Research disciplines
  • Humanities and the arts
    • Audiovisual art and digital media not elsewhere classified
media history
Project description

While media platforms can play a role in enhancing a European identity, the European dimension has rarely dominated in media history. Most web platforms are owned by American companies, and movie market shares are divided among national productions and importations from the United States and other influential countries. The EU-funded EUMEPLAT project will conduct a multidisciplinary analysis to shed light on whether new platforms (YouTube, Netflix and NewsFeed) are making European culture more European. To answer this question, the project will study indicators related to production, consumption and representation. It will also look for patterns on a national, regional and European level.

Role of Ghent University
The Center for Cinema and Media Studies (CIMS) of Ghent University is involved as a partner in all work packages, and it has the lead in Task 1.3 (on patterns in movie production, distribution and consumption) and Task 4.3 (on representation of gender in ten countries).