Huidige functie(s)
IMEC Postdoctoraal onderzoeker
Natural sciences
- Information and communication, circuits
- Health informatics
- Human information behaviour
- Information retrieval and web search
- Information technologies
- Knowledge management
- Organisation of information and knowledge resources
- Records and information management
- Social and community informatics
- Information sciences not elsewhere classified
- Data models
- Decision support and group support systems
- Visual data analysis
- Workflow, process and database management
- Information systems not elsewhere classified
- Other information and computing sciences not elsewhere classified
Social sciences
- Communication research methodology
- Communication sciences not elsewhere classified
- Health informatics
- Human information behaviour
- Information retrieval and web search
- Information technologies
- Knowledge management
- Organisation of information and knowledge resources
- Records and information management
- Social and community informatics
- Information sciences not elsewhere classified
- Informetrics
- Librarianship
- Library sciences not elsewhere classified
- Media research methodology
open en big data
social software
smart cities
web archivering