
Anneke Newman

Research disciplines
  • Social sciences
    • Anthropology of economy and development
    • Anthropology of religion
    • Medical anthropology
Islam West Africa Senegal Education Migration Gender Sexual and reproductive health Participatory development Decoloniality
Dr Anneke Newman has received an interdisciplinary academic training including an BA in Human Sciences (Oxford), a Masters in Gender and Development (Institute of Development Studies), and a Masters in Comparative and Cross-Cultural Research Methods (University of Sussex) before earning her doctorate at the Department of Anthropology at Sussex in 2016. Before joining Ghent University as a FWO-funded senior postdoctoral fellow in 2022, she worked as a Teaching Fellow at Sussex and a FNRS-funded postdoctoral researcher at the Laboratoire d'Anthropologie des Mondes Contemporains (LAMC) at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB). Newman's current research is a decolonial analysis of knowledge production and policy-making related to Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C) and child marriage. Her previous projects investigated educational decision-making involving secular and Islamic schools, and the education-migration-development nexus, in northern Senegal. Her research focuses on the coloniality of development policy, decolonial alternatives, action research and participatory approaches. Newman has published in the International Journal of Educational Development; Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education; Globalisation, Societies & Education; Anthropology & Education Quarterly; Children's Geographies; and Afrique Contemporaine. She has participated on the boards of the British Association for International and Comparative Education (BAICE) and l'Association pour le développement et le changement social (APAD) and the editorial board of the journal Anthropologie & Développement. Newman has taught numerous courses at undergraduate and Masters levels which have earned her excellent student evaluations and an Award for Outstanding and Innovative Teaching at Sussex. Courses taught include economic anthropology, anthropology of Sub-Saharan Africa, anthropology of gender and sexuality, global health and development, and religion and development.