03 June 2019 → Ongoing
Group leader
Research disciplines
Social sciences
- Psychopathology
- Behavioural and emotional problems
- Orthopedagogical interventions
- Orthopedagogics and special education not elsewhere classified
- Youth and life course criminology
- Criminology not elsewhere classified
- Clinical social work practice
This research collaboration focuses on investigating ways to promote recovery and desistance among young people and adults with addiction problems or who commit criminal offences. Recovery and desistance are relatively new strengths-based approaches at the intersection of the disciplines of orthopedagogics, psychology and criminology, working towards quality of life and inclusive citizenship ('personal recovery', 'Good Lives Model'). Recovery capital, quality of life, social participation, experiential expertise and continuity of care are central concepts in research on addiction recovery and crime cessation (desistance). The subjective experiences and perceptions ('lived experiences') of all those involved receive special attention in our research.
Among other things, we conduct research on:
- recovery pathways and factors contributing to recovery/desistance and quality of life of persons with addiction problems;
- the relationship between personal, social and community recovery capital in recovery and desistance;
- recovery-oriented practices in the criminal justice system (e.g. during detention, probation conditions)
- the unique stories of individuals in recovery/desistance and social exclusion and stigma
We use both quantitative and qualitative research methods for our research. These include using arts-based and co-creative methods to echo the voices of people who are often not heard and to drive social change. Experiential knowledge is brought in as a source of knowledge in its own right, alongside professional and scientific knowledge.