01 December 2020 → Ongoing
Application area

Agro, Vet & Food
Business developer
Research disciplines
Natural sciences
- Inorganic chemistry not elsewhere classified
- Bio-organic chemistry
- Natural products chemistry
- Organic chemistry not elsewhere classified
- Natural resource management
Social sciences
- Agricultural and natural resource economics, environmental and ecological economics
Engineering and technology
- Renewable power and energy systems engineering
- (Waste)water treatment processes
End-of-Waste (EoW) is a multidisciplinary consortium of professors and researchers from UGent and the Universities of Applied Sciences within the AUGent.
Goal: To encourage and facilitate Science-2-Business (S2B) collaborations in closing the loop ofbiological (side) streams to improve the production efficiency according to a zero-waste approach and to stimulate the transition towards a circular and sustainable (bio)economy.
Focus: Recovery of valuable compounds, materials and resources from organic waste streams towards applications in the food & feed, (agro) chemicals, cosmetics, textiles, construction materials, water management.