Research Unit

Poetry Studies

19 April 2019 → Ongoing
Group leader
Research disciplines
  • Humanities
    • Contemporary literature
    • Early modern literature
    • Medieval literature
    • Modern literature
Literary studies
The POWEZIE research group is an academic center of excellence dedicated to the scientific study of poetry in transnational and transhistorisch perspective. In the Flemish academic landscape there are no other similar groups. At Ghent University students are trained in the domain of the poetry study in the bachelor and master of literature and also in the advanced master of literature studies the UGent participates in the course Theory of poetry. The UGent promotes doctoral research concerning modern and historical literature (with relatively limited attention to poetry). In that respect, the UGent, not only in the field of modern literature, has a unique position, made visible by the research group over the borders of divisions and departments. The group joins forces, insights and expertise. Also externals, colleagues from domestic and foreign universities, are invited to participate in its activities.