01 October 2006 → 31 December 2057
Group leader
Research disciplines
Natural sciences
- Image processing
- Applied aspects of nuclear physics
- Applied and interdisciplinary physics
- Other physical sciences not elsewhere classified
- Geoarchaeology
- Mineralogy and crystallography
- Petroleum and coal geology
- Atmospheric sciences, challenges and pollution not elsewhere classified
- Natural resource management
Engineering and technology
- Destructive and non-destructive testing of materials
- Timber, pulp and paper
- Data visualisation and imaging
Agricultural and food sciences
- Forestry management and modelling
- Silviculture and agroforestry
- Wood and forest biomass processing
"The Centre for X-ray Tomography (UGCT) is a UGent Expertise Centre which performs research on and with the X-ray micro-CT technique. UGCT also acts as a user facility that offers the use of X-ray CT to researchers of many scientific domains in theirresearch. It was founded in 2006 and is one of the few CT centers in the world that cover the complete CT workflow: physics and instrumentation, data reconstruction and data analysis.
The UGCT is operated by a multi-disciplinary team and is currently an interfaculty collaboration between 3 research groups: the Radiation Physics group, the Pore-ScaleProcesses in Geomaterials Research group and the The Laboratory for WoodTechnology.
UGCT performs research on laboratory based very high resolution X-ray tomography and its applications, covering the complete imaging chain. This includes CT scanner development, simulation of the imaging chain, the study of novel imaging techniques, developing tomographic reconstruction methods (including iterative reconstruction techniques and GPU-based methodology) and 3D image analysis methods. The developed hardware and methodology is within UGCT being used for geological and wood technology research.
As a user facility, UGCT offers external researchgroups and companies access to its unique combination of state-of-the-art in-house developed high-resolution X-ray CT systems and its CT expertise. The flexibility of the systems and the knowledge of the researchers involved allows to perform challenging experiments in various research fields, continuously pushing the limits of what is currently possible with micro-CT."