01 January 2003 → Ongoing
Group leader
Research disciplines
Natural sciences
- Kinetics
- Phase transformations
- Computational physics
- Quantum chemistry
- Theoretical and computational chemistry not elsewhere classified
Engineering and technology
- Heterogeneous catalysis
- Computational materials science
The Center for Molecular Modeling (CMM), is a multidisciplinary and interfacultary research center grouping researchers of the faculties of Science and Engineering and Architecture with molecular modeling interests. The CMM aims to model molecules, materials and processes at the nanoscale by bringing together physicists, chemists, (bio-)engineers and stimulating synergies across disciplines. This multidisciplinary collaborative mission is the DNA of the CMM and key to achieve scientific excellence in the field of molecular modeling. The research items are grouped in various themes ranging from very fundamental physics oriented topics to strongly applicated areas. More in particular following areas of research are defined : many particle physics, model and software development, spectroscopy, nanoporous materials, (bio)chemistry and solid state physics.