Research Unit

Industrial Systems Engineering @UGent

01 October 2018 → 31 December 2030
Group leader
Research disciplines
  • Natural sciences
    • Operations research and mathematical programming
  • Engineering and technology
    • Manufacturing management
    • Manufacturing process planning
    • Mechatronics and robotics not elsewhere classified
    • Logistics and supply chain management
Digital Production Industrial Systems Assembly
The research center "Industrial Systems Engineering @UGent (ISyE@UGent)" is grounded on two fields of knowledge: "Industrial Systems Engineering and Operations Research" and "Industrial Automation". ISyE@UGent carries out research towards the design, optimization and validation of flexible assembly systems including Operator-robot, collaborative task assignment and virtual commissioning. In addition, ISyE-UGent also conducts research into the development of integrated production and maintenance strategies, combined with quality control strategies, into supply chain engineering, and into smart mobility and logistics. The ISyE-FM core lab of the ISyE@UGent research center has infrastructure for 'smart and flexible production' and 'smart production control' with which new design proposals for industrial assembly cells and complete production systems can be evaluated in VR/AR environments for real-time decision support. This infrastructure is currently being expanded with a data platform and process chain for open innovation where third parties can link their systems for data-driven control & management in a "digital twin" environment. ISyE@UGent is also active in the field of "Smart Mobility & Logistics" and carries out research into thedesign, optimization and validation of systems in urban transport, mobility and logistics. The focus is on themes such as models for transport, sharing mobility, city logistics and urban digital twins. There is a strong link with new data sources such as IoT and crowd sourcing for the elaboration of robust decision support systems for urban management.