19 April 2019 → Ongoing
Application area

Engineering, Energy & Materials
Business developer
Research disciplines
Engineering and technology
- Sustainable building
- Built heritage and renovation
- Construction materials
- Construction materials technology
- Construction mechanics
- Infrastructure engineering and asset management
- Life cycle analysis of construction materials
- Non-destructive testing, safety and diagnosis
- Structural engineering
- Conservation-restoration techniques
- Ceramic and glass materials not elsewhere classified
- Short and long fibre reinforced composites
- Destructive and non-destructive testing of materials
- Materials recycling and valorisation
DuraBUILDmaterials is a network of research teams at Ghent University, which unite expertise of more than 100 researchers on building materials and structures. As knowledge and technology transfer cluster, DBm stimulates application-oriented innovations and interdisciplinary research with and for the building sector. Starting points are new developments originating from Ghent University by thorough research into the microstructure of materials, physico-chemical modelling of deterioration phenomena, the structural behaviour of building materials and structures, as well as their sustainability and environmental impact. Indeed, the development of innovative building techniques and materials with advanced sustainability properties is highly important for a future-proof environment, for the economy and for our society.