01 October 2007 → Ongoing
Research disciplines
Agricultural and food sciences
- Agricultural plant breeding and biotechnology
We consider plant breeding as a prerequisite for sustainable crop production systems. In the past decades the research unit has conducted research into the development of new germplasm of forage crops and grain legumes, with the focus on maize, field beans and some grass species. Our maize material has an excellent cold tolerance. Our small seeded field beans are protein-rich, tannin-free and lodging resistant. The breeding program with maize is temporarily put on hold and the germplasm is conserved in cold storage. There is a renewed interest in the breeding work with field beans. The main focus currently is on research and breeding of tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.). We have a collection of ecotypes and varieties of tall fescue. We have a special interest in plant variety rights and acquired an appreciated knowledge in variety testing, biosafety of GM crops and in the coexistence between GM crops and non-GM crops.