Research Unit

Sustainability education – Teaching and learning in the face of wicked socio-ecological problems

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19 April 2019 → Ongoing
Group leader
Research disciplines
  • Natural sciences
    • Other environmental sciences not elsewhere classified
  • Social sciences
    • Education, culture and society not elsewhere classified
    • Other political science not elsewhere classified
 This International Thematic Network (ITN) was established with the aim to conceptualise (theoretically) and develop (experimentally) adequate forms of teaching and learning in the face of sustainability issues. Often characterised as ‘wicked’ or ‘unstructured’ problems, complex sustainability issues such as climate change, loss of biodiversity, resource depletion, gentrification, etc. bring about major pedagogical challenges. Further research and capacity building is required to support (university) educators who are often struggling with the implementation and conceptualisation of sustainability education. SEDwise engages with the frontiers of knowledge in the field of sustainability education research and fosters fruitful interactions between theory and practice. By bringing together UGent teachers who are strongly engaged in integrating sustainability in their education activities with a selected group of international sustainability education researchers, Ghent University serves as a 'living lab' for inno