08 May 2019 → Ongoing
Group leader
Research disciplines
Humanities and the arts
- Architectural heritage and conservation
- Architectural practice
- Architecture management
- Architecture not elsewhere classified
- Architectural history and theory
- Architectural design history and theory
- Interior architecture history and theory
- Art studies and sciences not elsewhere classified
On 29 November 2016, the art collection of the Liege architect Charles Vandenhove (1928°) was donated to UGent at the same time as a building, the Vandenhove Pavilion, designed by him and completed at the end of 2017. UGent has set up an interfacultyStudy Centre, housed in the Vandenhove Pavilion, which since February 2018 has been developing research and teaching activities in the field of art and architecture, managing and valorising the art collection, and developing an experimental exhibition programme based on UGent's research and heritage. The building includes a PhD auditorium, a workspace, and an exhibition room.