
Triana Lobatón Ortega

Research disciplines
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Triana Lobatón  finished her training as gastroenterologist in Barcelona in 2010 and in 2015 she obtained her PhD on "Fecal calprotectin as a surrogate marker of disease activity in IBD patients"  at the University of Barcelona.  As part of her PhD program, she spent 18 months (2013-2014) at Leuven University Hospital under the supervision of Prof. Séverine Vermeire.  Since December 2017 Dr.Lobaton is working as a full time staff member at the  Department of Gastroenterology  at Ghent University  Hospital (UZ Gent), where she leads the IBD unit. In 2019 she became assistant professor at UZ Gent. Her clinical activity and research is focused  on  IBD, in particular clinical projects.  Triana Lobatón has been coordinator of the young GETECCU  (Spanish group of Crohn and Colitis) and she is currently one of the members of Educom from BIRD (Belgian Inflammatory Bowel Disease Research and Development), member of the ECCO CONFER task force and National Representative for BIRD at ECCO