Research disciplines
Humanities and the arts
- African literature
- Contemporary literature
- Gender studies
- Literatures in French
- Narratology
- Postcolonial studies
- Stylistics and textual analysis
- Literary criticism
- Literary history
- Literary theory
Francophone Literature
African Literatures
French Literature
Justine Feyereisen has a PhD in French language and literature (thesis under the co-direction of Madeleine Frédéric, Isabelle Meuret and Claude Cavallero, entitled "Pour une description des sens : J.M.G. Le Clézio", Université libre de Bruxelles and Université Grenoble Alpes, 2015). She has conducted doctoral and postdoctoral research projects at the University of California, Berkeley (UCBerkeley 2014; Fulbright 2015), the University of Oxford (Wiener-Anspach, Wolfson College, 2019) and the Maison Française d'Oxford (2019). She has completed research stays at the Institute for Social Inquiry (The New School, 2019), the Institute for World Literature (Harvard University, 2023), the Institute in Environmental Humanities (Colby College, 2023) and the Maison d'Edouard Glissant (Diamant, 2023). She has been invited to teach at international summer schools at Oxford University (Oxford Prospect, 2023), the Université libre de Bruxelles (CIVIS, 2022) and the University of Rome "La Sapienza" (CIVIS, 2022). She has received a dozen awards and research grants, including the Prix Jeune Chercheur from the Conseil International d'Etudes Francophones (2013).
Justine Feyereisen is the author of "Sensopoétique : J.M.G. Le Clézio" (Classiques Garnier) and some thirty articles in journals such as Alkemie, Etudes Littéraires Africaines, Nouvelles Etudes Francophones, Phantasia, Revue Belge de Philologie et d'Histoire, Sextant. She has edited five collective volumes, including "Movere. Littérature, corporéité et mouvement" (RBPH) and, in collaboration, "Home: les sens d'une maison" (PULM). She is the translator of "Refugia: Solutions radicales aux déplacements de masse" (Editions de l'ULB). She was scientific curator of the photo exhibition "Catherine, Kiambe, Surya" by Elisa Moris Vai (Photo Oxford Festival, Maison Française d'Oxford, 2021). She is President of the Association des lecteurs de Le Clézio and Secretary of the Association des Amis de la MFO. She is co-editor-in-chief of the Cahiers J.M.G. Le Clézio.
Interrogating literatures in French in the transatlantic space through the prism of philosophy, she specializes in the notion of space. Her research interests include the literary, philosophical and political dimensions of utopia, ecology and sustainability, systemic violence, human rights, international migration, diasporic, transcultural and transnational identities, and gestures of resistance and subversion in neo-colonial and neo-capitalist contexts. Her current postdoctoral project (Ghent University - FWO) is to study how postcolonial literatures rethink habitability in the face of migratory movements and climate change, and thus how "concrete utopia", as a concept borrowed from Ernst Bloch, is redefined in the 21st century from former colonies in the face of these global challenges. The corpus is made up of contemporary literary texts by French-speaking authors from Metropolitan France, the Caribbean, sub-Saharan countries and the Indian Ocean islands.