Lecture, keynote, introduction, guided tour
Coordinator of Global Studies Public Lecture Series "Frontiers of Globalisation"
Invited lecturer - "Grondstoffenbeheer als mondiale uitdaging: tussen neo-extractivisme en post-extractivisme."
Provider of Workshop "Las industrias extractivas y conflictos sociales desde una perspectiva global."
Provider of Workshop "Tierra y territorio en la historia de Jach’a Karangas"
Public campaign, ambassadorship
Moderator and co-organizer public debate "Peace, Protest and Peasants. Colombia, a peace under threat."
Membership internal (taskforce, committee, board)
Panelist public debate "Día de la raza."
Panelist public debate "Genetically Engineering trees for a sustainable energy transition? Insights from the South-American experience."
Panelist public debate "Het goede leven: antwoord op de grenzen van het kapitalisme?"
Representative Assisting Academica Personnel (AAP) in the interfacultary Education Commission for the Erasmus Mundus Master programme "Global Studies" (EMGS)
Other research stays
Affiliated researcher Centro de Ecología y Pueblos Andinos (CEPA), Oruro, Bolivia
Visiting scholar at the Research Center CISEPA of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP, Lima)
Visiting scholar at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP, Lima) and Centro de Ecología y Pueblos Andinos (Oruro, Bolivia)
Conference contributions
Co-organizer - International Conference "Social struggles for land in Latin America. An historical, comparative and global analysis."
Conference organizer "Las luchas sociales por la tierra en América Latina."
Panel discussant at International Conference Old and New Worlds: the Global Challenges of Rural History
Panel organizer at Latin American Studies Association conference
Panel organizer at the World History Association Conference
Paper presentation at at the Rural History Conference 2013
Paper presentation at at the Workshop "Frontiers and Borders in Global and Transnational History” (UGent Research Group Communities Comparisons Connections
Presentation at CO-LAB The commons in Latin America
Presentation at ICAS colloquium Global governance/politics, climate justice & agrarian/social justice: linkages and challenges
Presentation at Latin American Studies Association conference
Presentation at the 2° Congreso Internacional Los Pueblos Indígenas de América Latina
Presentation at the Commodity Frontiers workshop
Presentation at the Flemish Interuniversity Network on Law and Development (Law&Dev) Annual Research Day
Presentation at the International Conference Paradigms of Change in Modernising Asia and America
Presentation at the International Conference “Political Ecologies of Conflict, Capitalism and Contestation (PE – 3C)
Presentation at the International Workshop Shocks and Hazards in History: Vulnerability and Resilience
Presentation at the LANDac Annual International Land Conference
Presentation at the Spring meeting of the Dutch Association for Agrarian History
Presentation at the U4 Conference
Presentation at the World History Association Conference
Presentation at the 4th International Workshop “Commodity Frontiers and Global Capitalist Expansion: Social, Ecological and Resource Policy Implications”
Presentation at the Third annual conference of the World-Ecology Research Network